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Call For Neh Summer Stipend Proposals

July 24, 2013 College of Arts and Humanities


ARHU faculty are invited to submit a proposal for consideration as one of the two nominees from the University of Maryland.

Intent to Submit:                     September 3, 2013

Internal UMD deadline:         September 12, 2013

Sponsor Deadline:                   September 26, 2013

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Stipends support individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both. Recipients usually produce articles, monographs, books, digital materials, archaeological site reports, translations, editions, or other scholarly resources. Summer Stipends support full-time continuous work on a humanities project for a period of two months. Summer Stipends support projects at any stage of development. Summer Stipends are awarded to individual scholars. Organizations are not eligible to apply.

The Summer Stipends program welcomes projects that respond to NEH’s Bridging Cultures initiative. Such projects could focus on cultures internationally or within the United States. International projects might seek to enlarge Americans’ understanding of other places and times, as well as other perspectives and intellectual traditions. American projects might explore the great variety of cultural influences on, and myriad subcultures within, American society. These projects might also investigate how Americans have approached and attempted to surmount seemingly unbridgeable cultural divides, or examine the ideals of civility and civic discourse that have informed this quest.

Anticipated Funding Amount: Summer Stipends provide $6,000 for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing, beginning May 2014 or later. Recipients must work full-time on their projects for these two months and may hold other research grants supporting the same project during this time. Summer Stipends normally support work carried out during the summer months, but arrangements can be made for other times of the year.

Further information about the program and the submission process is available on the National Endowment for the Humanities site at:

The NEH Summer Stipends program allows two (2) nominees per institution.

Faculty who wish to submit a proposal for consideration for a nomination, should send an “intent to submit” notice to Dr. Daryle Williams, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Humanities, no later than close of business on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. A three-page, single-spaced narrative and a two-page resume are due to Associate Dean Williams no later than close of business on Thursday, September 12, 2013. Campus nominees will be notified no later than Friday, September 20, 2013. The final submission deadline is September 26, 2013.

All materials submitted for consideration for a campus nomination must follow the NEH guidelines found at the link noted above. Materials that do not conform to the published guidelines will not be considered.

Questions may be directed to Daryle Williams <>. TEL: 301-405-2091